Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Actual OK Magazine Article Jamie Lynn Spears I’m Pregnant!

Jamie Lynn Spears, younger sister of Britney Spears, is pregnant with the child of her boyfriend of over two years,Casey Aldridge. And in an exclusive interview in the new issue of OK! , the teenager opens up about her pregnancy, which just passed the 12-week mark, and which she says came as a total shock to her.

“I can’t say it was something I was planning to do right now,” the 16-year-old confesses to OK!. “But now that it’s in my lap and that it’s something I have to deal with, I’m looking forward to being the best mom I can be.”

As for her decision to keep the baby, the Zoey 101 star explains, “I think my whole life I would have to live with knowing what I did or what I didn’t do.” And Jamie Lynn, who intends on raising the child in her home state of Louisiana, also tells OK! that she intends to face up to the life-changing choice she’s made. “I’m the one who has to live with it for the rest of my life,” she says. “I put myself in this position, an adult position, so I have to act like an adult and take responsibility for what I did.”

Of course, Jamie Lynn won’t be going it alone. Her mother, Lynne Spears, says to OK!, “I want her to ask me to help as much as she wants me to because I will be there for her. I want to be a big part, if she wants me to be.”

As for any message Jamie Lynn’s fans might take away from this news, the young actress is realistic. “I definitely don’t think it’s something you should do; it’s better to wait. But I can’t be judgmental because it’s a position I put myself in.”

For the complete interview with Jamie Lynn and her mother, pick up the new issue of OK! — on newsstands everywhere.

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